Thursday, June 14, 2012

Buckle up because this is going to be a good one!

Since the last time I wrote, I've come back to San Diego, been to Gabriel House twice, unofficially started working part time with Mexican Medical, seen several kids make significant progress in the past two months, and hit the 50% mark in fundraising - a huge and exciting milestone!

I left New York after about a month of traveling and intense support raising. I often had 2 or 3 appointments a day and while I had a wonderful time with family and friends, I got back to San Diego and was exhausted. I mean just so, stinkin, tired. I realized that it was more of an emotional exhaustion than physical - I was constantly pouring my heart out, multiple times a day, about something that I am so passionate about and want people to understand and love the way I do. So while it was a good kind of tired, it was still tired. I took a few days off after I Skyped with a ChristCare group and really focused on resting and being renewed by the Spirit. It was so refreshing.

I met with Steve and Jan at Mexican Medical and we talked about the next couple of months and decided that the most practical thing for me to do is begin working with MexMed immediately, as often as possible. Summer is so busy with trips going down - it would just be too hard on MexMed (and me!) if I wasn't available. So I'll be doing as much as I can with them while continuing to fundraise - hoping and praying that it doesn't take much longer than the summer months!

I was at Gabriel House twice last week and saw some wonderful things. I got to bring down some friends of mine who Lourdes introduced to Gabriel House - one of them is in a band that has led worship at the Mexico Outreach camps, another has leads a homeless ministry in Sacramento, and they brought their friend who had never been to Mexico before (!). Emissary Band has a huge heart for Gabriel House - they've donated so much over the years, including a van! It's always fun to be there with them. Also really exciting to be bringing teams down and hosting them as they serve at Gabriel House - this will be my life for the next few years, at least!

When we got there, I did a double take as I was looking for one kid in particular who stole my heart many years ago. Jamie was born without disabilities but contracted encephalitis when he was two and has been in a wheelchair and basically nonverbal ever since. He's got some muscle control but is very spastic and unpredictable. Anyway, our physical therapist has been doing some incredible work with him. 3 times a day, at least 5 days a week at meals, she works with him as he learns to feed himself. It's a tedious and messy process, but he's making significant progress. He also used to be totally strapped into a wheelchair. Literally, the only thing he could move was his head. He just wasn't able to keep himself upright if his chest wasn't strapped in. Well I walked into the yard when I arrived and stared at him for a few seconds because it just didn't look like him, and I couldn't figure out who it was. But it was Jamie! In a new wheelchair, with only ONE seatbelt...on his lap! As I continued staring, he put one hand on the wheel AND STARTED WHEELING TOWARD ME! I couldn't believe it! I have to admit, I never thought I'd see this day come. I mean, I was there for a year and he had never made progress like this. As I continued playing with him, he would speak - never more than one word at a time, but words that showed me he was totally aware of what was going on and what he was saying. AMAZING! Lots of therapy, perseverance, and prayers have gotten him to where he is today. And ohhhh, what a place for him to be. 
Sitting up in the wagon? Never used to be possible...we'd have to wedge him in between two other kids so he wouldn't fall over!

I'm glad to be back! Looking forward to bringing more teams down to Gabriel House and helping them experience this wonderful place. It will be a busy summer but an exciting one. I'm headed up north next month to speak a few churches in the San Francisco area, and will hopefully be at a few near LA this summer as well. 
Thanks for your prayers. I wouldn't be able to do any of this without them and you!