Tuesday, March 8, 2011

a new addition was being put on to the kitchen while i was still here, and one of the two rooms was finished by the time i left. now the second room is finished, which means the old baby room is now empty. this equals a play room, no wheelchairs allowed! i brought pily in with a couple of other kids...she was standing in front of me, so i asked her to smile as i took a picture. she immediately drops to all fours, sticks her leg up in the air, and looks at me expectantly, waiting for the picture to be taken. i was laughing so hard i could barely take the picture!

we spent at least 2 hours on the trampoline today...so good for these kids and their abundant energy.

tonio is has such a beautiful heart and loves, loves, loves to hold babies.

we played outside all afternoon...it was beautiful! we've been having lots of fun. i brought most of the kids from the big house outside this afternoon since i kind of felt like i was neglecting them....the talkers and walkers tend to dominate my attention. eek.
it makes me really sad, though, for some of these kids who need a consistency that just isn't here right now. there are so many good things happening, there really are. school, for one, and a teacher who cares about her students is nothing short of a miracle in this country, where kids with disabilities don't get to go to school. but some of the kids, especially josue, really need someone to be here all the time. people have made significant progress with josue to the point where he's been able to control his behavior and responds well to adults. every time his mom takes him home for the weekend, though, it's like we take 3 steps back. he comes back and is a nightmare. he seeks attention in the worst ways, doesn't listen to anyone, is so up and down with his emotions at the drop of a hat, and is just miserable. it's so hard for him and it comes out in such an ugly way. it breaks my heart to think about what happens when he's home and what a struggle that would be for anyone to jump between lives, let alone an 8 year old with major disabilities who is basically non verbal but doesn't get that no one understands him.
i just want to fix it. i know i can't and i know there are more effective things i can do...but he needs help. pray for him.
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