Monday, July 2, 2012

I have a confession to make, and along with that an apology.

When I officially started fundraising on May 5, just two short months ago, my plan was to be completely funded and ready to be full time with Mex Med by July 1. I shared this with people along my journey, about how I would spend the month of May driving back to New York, visiting with family, friends, and churches along the way, and then spend the month of June fundraising in California with churches and friends out here, with the hope that I would have everything done by July 1.
People laughed at me. I know they weren't trying to be hurtful but it was their initial reaction nonetheless. After about a week on the road, after quite a few appointments and even more phone calls, I stopped giving the date of July 1. It was just too hard to explain to people, especially the overly skeptical. Over time, I stopped believing it too. It was just silly to think that in 2 months I would have the monthly commitments I needed! I've heard of people who spend years fundraising (plural. years)

The confession is that I stopped believing in my initial goal. I gave up on July 1. Best case scenario, I figured, was I'd spend the whole summer fundraising while working as much as I could at the office and bringing a few teams down to Gabriel House in the midst of all that.
Well, this is where the apology comes in. The apology goes to our Creator, who is capable of more than we could ever ask or imagine, and despite my unending doubt (when will I learn?!), will continue to fulfill his promises.

I am so excited to share with you that as of July 1, I am 85% funded. Meaning I'm $450 away from my monthly goal! This is HUGE. No, it's not 100%, but it's pretty darn close.

I certainly don't mean for this to come across as conceded, and to be perfectly honest I don't completely understand why God allowed this to happen so quickly. What I do know is that this allows me to focus my full attention on Gabriel House, which couldn't need it more than right now. So for that I'm very grateful! 

Today is my first official day in the office, and it's on! I'll be full time from here on out. I have one last trip planned up to Northern California next week to speak at a church and meet with a few friends/family, and then the rest of the summer I'll be hitting the ground running.

Thanks for your all of your support and encouragement so far! I am SO excited to be here :)

And just because I know this is really why you checked the are some pictures!

A very cranky boy minutes before this picture was taken...but once he got on the trampoline, he was all smiles!

Jamie is SO determined to get around on his own!

Teddy showing me his homework - very proud of his math skills!

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