Friday, March 8, 2013

Oh snap. It's been another month, hasn't it?

Well here we go.

Baby Tomas, who I introduced you to a month ago, died after just one week with us. We were not expecting that - we knew he was sick and probably wouldn't live very long, but we thought we'd have more time with him. As sad as it was to see him go, it was also a blessing to realize that he no longer has trouble breathing or eating, and his pain is completely gone. Jesus is the ultimate healer and that's what this baby needed.

Jan and I dropped Sonia and Dubi off at Gabriel House - Sonia is a missionary with Mexican Medical and has been serving in Cabo for the last year. She's a nurse who just got accepted to grad school starting in July, and she's spending the next 3 months at Gabriel House. Dubi is the daughter of the missionaries that Sonia worked with and just finished PT school in Mexico. She'll also be at Gabriel House for 3 months, assisting Pati, who currently is the only therapist for our 31 kids. Ha. They are a huge answer to prayer and I'm so happy they're at Gabriel House!

I took Pilar and Marcos on the bus to the grocery store because I needed to get some stuff for the house. It was dark out and Marcos would NOT let us leave without the headlamps, arguing that we needed to see the street that we were walking on. Fair enough. Plus they looked adorable.
Marcos helping us unload - he loved pushing the diapers out the
back door and seeing who they landed on!

I brought down a van full of diapers (and I mean FULL - couldn't even see out the back window). Immigration charged us less than ever and at this rate, the next time I go, I won't have to pay a dime! Here's to hoping...

Guess who's learning how to use the potty?!? Never, ever, in my life, have I been so excited to see someone on the can. This chair was recently donated and it's the perfect thing for Jaime - gives him enough support so he can sit there unassisted for a few minutes after lunch every day. Yeahhhhh!!!

We had a great time with Dana Croxton of Enable Ministries who spent a few days with us at Gabriel House. He taught me how to repair and clean wheelchairs (very important to make them last!), but even more incredible is how well Jose and Alex worked with him. These boys were an integral part of the process and there were a few times where I literally could not figure out what to do next and Jose showed me. Incredible. So cool for those boys to have purposeful work. 
It was fun to have a group from Hydesville, California with us for a week! They played with us inside, helping us beat rainy day boredom, bought the kids fresh fruit and veggies, and helped make cupcakes for Renie's birthday!
I learned how to make empanadas, and Pilar proved to be a valuable asset to the kitchen!

Thanks for your love, prayers, and support! Make sure to follow us on Facebook for more frequent updates and crazy news about our stolen van...

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