Friday, January 22, 2010

check it out. the next post is betzy the day she got here, and then today. WOW. nothing like a lot of a love and a healthy diet!

i think the worst is over. it's still raining and windy, but intermittently and less forcefully. we've started cleaning up and getting things back to normal. i spent the morning with the boys, playing store, bingo, and reading along to a book on cd.

i'm headed to pastor cande's house tonight with some cookies to make sure his boys are still alive...
cande and his wife are in the states, visiting hopewell. their three sons are home alone and may or may not know how to fend for themselves...haha! just kidding. but i'm going to stop by and see how they're doing.

what a week it has been!

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  1. Hil, we can only see the before picture of Betzy...put the newer one up again!
