Wednesday, January 13, 2010

we were in the middle of science today when a man playing a trumpet and snare (at the same time!) and a woman playing a drum about two blocks away got the kids' attention. a woman had stopped by gabriel house to ask about something and marcos and omar asked her to tell the musicians to come to gabriel house. she did, and they slowly made their way to our classroom, the music getting louder as they got closer. the kids were enthralled. it was fun to watch them. they didn't understand, marcos especially, why they couldn't get a chance to play the trumpet. i still don't know how to say germs in spanish...

adele bought some sand timers for us - a huge one that goes for 5 minutes, and then 5 others that go for 3 or less. we used them for the first time today, and WOW. they're cool enough that the kids think they're toys (as much as i explain that no, they're things to help us, not toys) so they like to use them. it helped a lot for marcos, which i was really hoping for. i wish we'd been using them sooner!

i am just amazed and inspired by how much love these kids have. so many of them want to give hug after hug. day after day, they run up to me with arms open wide and huge smiles on their faces. and what did i do to deserve this? nothing.


1 comment:

  1. microbio= germ LOL
    Your spanish singing is spectacular btw! so proud of you. Hey Hil- does Rocio have enough for the rest of the school year? im tryting to figure out how much she needs for her 2nd year. WOuld like to publish the ammmount in the article which is due 2/10 so have rocio write it...thanks!
