Wednesday, May 19, 2010

i LOVE this picture. josue looks adorable, and then if you look at ruben, he's in the process of throwing/kicking sand and making the funniest face. what a rascal...

no baby today :/
i kind of figured she wasn't going to come, so i tried not to get my hopes up. lots of times we hear a new kid is coming and it's days or even weeks before they actually get here. i hope she comes soon!

today was fun after school...becky and i hung out with the kids and they were all just messing around...we were all together and everyone was having fun. no fights, no injuries, no one was mad or felt like a big family spending an afternoon together. that was before pilar and marcos smacked heads, ivonne wet through her diaper, sergio got mad at teddy for sitting too close to him, and lidia started crying because of all the noise. hahahaha! just a day in the life.

then we all went to the kitchen for dinner, where we had fish tacos. how can it be a bad day when it's fish tacos for dinner? yum :)
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1 comment:

  1. hmmm cant wait to be amidst the chaos there! and FISH TACOS! LOL
    Im gonna miss these blog entries...its one of the first thing I do in the a.m.!


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