Friday, May 28, 2010

such a great day of school today....
but first a story. alex fell last night as he was going to the bathroom and unfortunately hit the back of his head on his wheelchair and sliced it open. he had to get stitches and will need to take it easy for a few days. he went to the doctor this morning to get a tetanus shot, so he didn't come to school with the rest of the kids. as i was talking to alex, teddy and marcos headed over to the classroom. i ended up talking to him for awhile, and so teddy and marcos were in the classroom alone for a good 5 minutes. maggie was in the office in the same building as our classroom, so it's not like they were completely alone, but there wasn't anyone in the same room with them. i brought tonio and jose over and was slightly nervous, because when teddy and marcos are together, they seem to come up with ideas that aren't my favorite. well they were super excited about something and marcos was jumping down and teddy was wiggling from side to side (his excited dance) while they told me to close my eyes. i kept them half open because i was expecting to see the neighbor's chickens in the room or something like that, and when i opened my eyes, i realized they had set up the classroom - they did the calendar, moved the tables and chairs to where they belonged, and put the schedule up. i was SO PROUD OF THEM. and they were so excited! it was a great teacher moment.

then in preschool, sergio was coloring and holds up his picture, and the marker he was using, and told me what color it was. i was kind of surprised, because he's usually pretty stubborn and it can be hard to work one on one with him...he likes to do his own thing. he'll last for a couple minutes, working on colors, and then nicely asks me to leave him alone so he can keep coloring. well today he told me the colors he was using for like half an hour. i was shocked. he got every color right! it was like he was saving all this up for a big performance on the last day of school or something! i was so happy.

on a not so happy note, lucy went to the doctor today for a checkup and they admitted her :(
they took xrays and she has pneumonia and tons of phlegm in her lungs. it's good that she's there, i guess, but i'm sure they don't have as many people to love on her there as they do here. i'm going to go visit her tomorrow and make sure they're treating her well :)

1 comment:

  1. Those boys....have I said before that I just love them? You have done a great job teaching them how to be in school. They will be just fine when you leave. xoxo


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