Saturday, March 6, 2010

awhile ago, martin told me about a standing invitation we have at the gymnasium in maneadero. every monday and friday, there's a group of senior citizens who meet at the gym for a couple hours. i'm not exactly sure what they do, but we thought that would be cool to bring the kids to hang out with them and also play in the huge gym. i wanted to bring all the boys and all the kids down below, but after the red van became too dangerous to drive (and there's no money to fix it, so it looks like all trips are on hold for at least the next couple weeks...) and the fact that they boys had been to my house yesterday for lunch, we decided it would be best to take the kids down below in the white van. nene, pilar, josue, ruben, and the two women who work with them, luz and marisol, and i loaded up into the white van and headed to the gym! the kids were so excited and kept saying everything they saw when they were in the car (store! truck! gas station! sun! tacos! people!) and they didn't even understand the best was yet to come hahaha

the senior citizens weren't at the gym but that turned out to be okay...we had free rein of the entire place. it was awesome.

we brought some exercise balls to kick worked way better than regular size soccer balls because these kids don't have the best hand-eye coordination.

josue, ruben, luz, pilar, irene, marisol

then we went to a park nearby! the same one i've taken the boys to. josue and ruben were on this spinny thing the entire hour and a half we were at the park. eek.

nene loves swings...we have some where they live down below, but they don't go very high because there's a fence behind them. now if we could just teach her how to do it on her own...

here's a video... if you look on the right hand side where it says more from: hilary holbrook you'll see a bunch more.
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  1. I can't wait to see the kids in person! I wish I could learn Spanish in two weeks....

  2. How cool that Hilary will translate for you Cathy!! Im so glad you get to go!

  3. Hil ~ what a treat that madre is coming to visit. Wish I could do the same!! Really love your little banana girl. How could someone not just love your children there. They exhibit such pure joy when they have opportunities you give them to be "free".
    Love and miss you,
    Gma BE (Paul too. He loves your pictures)


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