Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ventana came again and the kids had a lot of fun playing with them. they worked on the house some more...we are so close to moving the boys in. it's just those last random and slightly annoying finishing touches. some drawers need to be installed, a little bit of sanding and staining left...any day now. really.

marcos said the funniest thing today. he ran inside to go 'popo' and a couple minutes later came running back out. he marches up to me, taps my arm, and goes guess what. my bottom was closed and didn't want to open and the popo couldn't get out, so it's still in there.
i didn't even know what to say. i'm sorry? better luck next time? i turned to teddy for some moral support and he was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe. it was so funny.

the time change has been awesome. it doesn't get dark until 7 now! the kids have a solid hour of play time outside after dinner, instead of heading straight inside because it's dark by 5:30. woo hoo!


  1. Hi Hil ~ that story really cracked me up. Hope it is not too humbling to you to know that you can't solve ALL the problems that the kids experience!!!

    We can tell through the vibes we get from your latest blogging that you are feeling happy and excited in your work right now and that makes us happy too.

    Love and miss you, Gma BE and Paul

  2. LOL so funny! somthing Max would def say as well...so i didnt think Mexico changed their time...remember we always had to tell people getting to the ranch..is this new?? I leave in exactly ONE WEEK!!!! i need tamales..you promised!


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