Tuesday, June 8, 2010

this is it. ten months of blogging and here we are, at the end! i felt like i needed to post one more time to wrap things up, and to say thank you for being a part of this.
what a year. at times really hard, at times (most of the time) so much fun. i had the best job ever - i got to love on 35 kids who were desperate for constant, unconditional love and attention. as i was pouring into them, they made me feel awesome!
God changed me in ways i never thought possible, and that i'm still realizing. he taught me the importance of time with him every day...reading my bible, writing in a journal, and finding an incredible devotional. he taught me that there are reasons to be thankful in every situation, it's just that once in a while it takes me a little longer to find it. he taught me the importance of trusting him. not just trusting, but along with that, worrying less because he has got it under control. he taught me to calm down with my type-a-high-strung-control-freak personality and be more laid back and content with the way things are. he taught me the beauty of being accepted and immersed in a third world country, and that i have a lot to learn from his people.
the kids taught me a lot, too. alex and tonio taught me how to pray without words. teddy taught me how to laugh. marcos and jose taught me patience and helped me learn what it means to love unconditionally. nene taught me how to communicate in different ways. ruben and pilar taught me to appreciate hugs and kisses, and give them more freely. josue taught me the importance of an uninterrupted conversation. sergio taught me how to have fun. ely, chely, and sonia taught me how much you can say with a smile, and to be thankful. jaime taught me what it's like to love someone.
and you, all of you reading, wherever you are...you taught me to keep going. you taught me that there will always be a safety net of people loving, praying for, and encouraging me. i knew you were there, and for that i am so grateful.

i'll be back. but until then, i leave you with this:

love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. love never fails. - 1 corinthians 13:7


  1. Ok now that I have stopped bawling I can say thank you Hilary...for being one of the joys of my morning for the past 10 months....I am going to miss being a part of your day...I am speechless right now, but I think you know how I feel not just about you, but the works you have given for Him....and now, you move on...serving Him in other ways....Que Dios te bendiga siempre...la famosa Heelaree!

  2. thanks Hilary for a great journey with you this year. I said many times to many people how great it was to read your trials, joys and challenges each day. Let's keep it up forever.
