Wednesday, June 2, 2010

we had lots of fun playing outside today! it was a nice warm day so all the kids hung out outside until lunch time. in the summer, everyone's outside all morning, but it really hasn't been warm enough yet this spring to bring them out. crazy!

here's a cute video of josue and his bike.

they had a little surprise goodbye party today! it was really sweet.

jose helping feed, as usual. he gets so much joy out of helping...i've learned a lot from him.

hanna has been going up to the boys' room at night to read a chapter from charlotte's web to them and pray. it's so awesome, and i'm so happy she's doing it. it's such a sweet, family type thing to do, and i know the boys don't get a lot of that. i went with her today to give the boys their present...i printed out an 8x10 picture of all of us in front of the bus with becky's welcome back sign in the background and put it in this big frame that someone gave me. it adds some nice color to their room! it was great to spend family time with them. hanna and i read to them for a little bit and then we talked about what happened today that we were thankful for, and then everyone prayed...such a sweet way to spend time together. i am so, so, grateful that hanna is here. she loves the kids here so much and they know that. it definitely is making it a little bit easier to leave.
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