Thursday, June 3, 2010

well...i left. it's not like i didn't think i would. but still, it's weird.
hanna and the boys made me the most awesome stuff...a sign that they put on the fence that says we love you hilary, and then a book of cards that 1st grade and preschool made, where each kid has their own page. it's adorable. and then sidney got the fingerprints of every kid and made this thing...there's a picture of it below. it was really sweet. it was so good to be able to say that i'll see them in 2 months...that made such a difference. alex and tonio were crying before i left and that was hard. i hope, but i also know, that they're going to be okay. they need lots of prayers whenever there are big changes in their lives, and this is one of them.

i'll post again later this week to wrap things up :/

on a happier note...i'm at krista's house in san diego! it's red tide tonight, which means there has been a rapid increase in the population of algae in the water, or something like that. what happens is when it's dark out, the waves look fluorescent as they break. literally like there's a light show happening on the ocean floor. it's incredible, and doesn't happen that often! they're packing up - krista and her two sisters - to go on a two week mission trip to haiti tomorrow. it's a bummer they're leaving so soon but i'm really excited for them...and also to hang out on the beach for a few days!

1 comment:

  1. Oh HIlary- it seems like this time flew...i am teary thinking about the boys crying...I would have been right along with them bawling...You have changed and made such a huge difference in their lives and i hope you know they will never forget you...I know GOd will allow you to be a part of their lives somehow....I cant tell you how proud I am of you and what a blessing you are to so many, including me! Cant wait to see you...Im glad we got our two weeks in MExico together- one of the best ever....relax, enjoy the beauty of the west coast! You deserve it! Te quiero mucho Y te mando bendiciones!
