Sunday, November 1, 2009

friday was good - the end of a long week! chuy came back from his conafe thing on friday afternoon and told me that from now on, we need to have our morning class (4 kids in wheelchairs and 3 six year olds) and our preschool class (3 kids with downs, 2 with hiv, and one who wears a helmet because he's that unsteady) together in the morning. WOW. not quite sure how that's going to happen, but spent a lot of time this weekend asking God to calm me down. it's a little frustrating because we are, as far as i know, the only conafe program that has kids with disabilities, but we have to have classes together just like everyone else (but we're not everyone else!). eek.
i like to be in charge and i don't like change, and i'm not in charge and there are lots of changes. i know that i have a lot to learn from this as well as the kids. everything will be okay...somehow...

saturday we worked on the new room at the church - they put the roof on, installed skylights, and covered it with roof paper or something. paco and i went to a softball game that his friend invited him was so funny. most of the men were well into their 40s, and they were having a lot of fun. no one was exceptionally good, and the catcher spent more time chucking his helmet and mask to the side as he ran after the ball than actually catching, the outfielders stuck their arms out to try to catch the ball but usually didn't make contact, and there were several collisions between the runner and the person trying to catch a pop fly. seriously, though, everyone was having a great time, and it was fun to be a part of.

halloween is not celebrated here by people in the church, but there were some trick or treaters running around in their costumes. we were at a bakery picking up stuff for the people who had worked on the roof and kids came in, trick or treating. i've never trick or treated at a bakery before! they didn't even get baked goods...just candy. i would have asked for a cookie or something hahaha

a guy from california who has done a lot of work with rancho el refugio and fuente de vida (marta's church) came to church today with his family - 6 kids!
i translated the sermon for them and then later when we were eating with everyone i helped translate, too! it was awesome.

we were driving back from rocio's house when i asked paco what the difference between pelo and cabello is. i always say pelo for a person's hair, but a lot of times i hear people say cabello. he goes, ' oh yeah, pelo is for animals.' WHAT? i was like paco...i've been here for 3 months and told who knows how many people how beautiful their animal hair looked. why didn't you tell me? he goes oh i didn't want you to feel embarrassed. well that makes a whole lot of sense. grr.


  1. I'll pray for you, Hil, if you'll pray for me. Change is challenging, but usually for the good. I am back to work today after 4 weeks vacation - there's a change! I caught up with your blogs and it sure sounds like you are as enthusiastic as when you first arrived! That is awesome and I am sure everyone you are in contact with is being blessed by your presence - even if you do think they have animal hair! Just keep laughing, Hil. We miss you, but Christmas will be here before you know it!

  2. LOL i am laughing cuz I have said pelo OFTEN! i never say cabello- Us Cubans say pelo! LOL hahahahahahahaha.. i guess for 10 years nobody wanted me to be embarassed either!
    HIl i am so proud of you for translating! Oh my gosh I jsut cant wait to see you!! CHRISTMAS Is around the corner!! im so excited!


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