Wednesday, November 4, 2009

good day at school. chuy has complete control and things are feeling less forced. all morning teddy seemed just a little off, and after recess his face was an alarming shade of green. he kept saying he felt okay, but then he got really quiet like he does when he did something wrong. i had asked him a couple of times if he wanted to go to the bathroom or felt like he had to throw up...and all of a sudden he goes, 'i want to throw up.' i wheeled him in to the bathroom, and of course before we got there he started puking all over himself. poor kiddo :( he was totally fine and back to normal after, though. and he also found out his birthday is sunday so that cheered him up!

i worked with alex in the afternoon on school stuff and also some sign language. they have this great book of spanish sign language that martin had been using when he was doing the school. alex has a ton of potential and already knows a lot of signs, but it would be awesome if he could learn even more. my dream, and i told him this, is to be able to sign or write exactly what he wants to say. that's why we're working on sounding words out and then writing them down, but signing each letter (or the word if he knows it) first. fun stuff!

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