i walked into lunch today and saw this: thelma sitting at a table, by herself, FEEDING herself. you may not understand. this is just huge. she is perfectly capable of feeding herself, but she can make a mess and it's a lot faster if someone else feeds her. but it's waaaay better for her to feed herself, obviously, especially since she CAN! there are lots of things that are worth fighting for at gabriel house, things that you could drive yourself crazy fighting for. this is one of the things that i tried fighting for but gave up after awhile. i had started trying to be the one to feed thelma and i would help her feed herself. i don't know if the ladies saw this, or if they just decided to let her feed herself, but AWESOME. so happy.
i went to calimax today and brought sergio with me! it was so fun. he loved to be out but was scared of some things. think about the world through the eyes of someone who rarely leaves his own cul de sac. this is him on the bus. we bought stuff to make ice cream...
adele bought us an ice cream maker...that purple ball. we put ice and rock salt in one end, and milk, vanilla, and sugar in the other end. then we played with the ball for half an hour. it was deeeelicious. and they had to work for their treat!
here are some videos of the ice cream madness...
i had a great talk with renie about some things, which was an answer to prayer. i also talked to a guy who owns a shop nearby about bringing his classic cars to gabriel house, which he might do on sunday! i'm going back on thursday to talk to him. aaaand i found the public library, which was closed today because of the holiday, but is surrounded by a great park with wide walkways (perfect for wheelchairs!) and well shaded. i finally got my driving insurance, and so we are going to have a fun couple of months going different places!
Thelma feeding herself! Sergio on a bus going to calimax! Hlary you are making such amazing chnges in the lives of these kids! wow you are such a blessing....as I KNOW they are blessings to you....and now youre a drivin! LOL oh boy! what vehicle can you drive there?? go visit the simpsons... freedom!