Thursday, February 25, 2010

a little change of plans today, since i walked up to the big house at 8:30, ready to load up the car to go to the library, and neither of the vans were in the driveway! the white one broke down (shocking) and martin was in the red one at a doctor's appointment.
we did some fun science experiments in the morning and then went to the library in the afternoon. they had to do a short book report before using the computers, which went over surprisingly well. after the library, we went to the same park we went to last week, and had a lot of fun playing in the sand.

i just found out that hanna, the intern who was here last summer and overlapped with me for about a week, is coming back for the summer! she is so amazing with the kids and just pours herself into every minute of her time here. it's so comforting (and such a blessing!) to know that even though i'm leaving, becky AND hanna will be here with the kids! God is so good.


  1. Wow we have a faithful God! Plus we are going to have Ashley!
    Love, Jan

  2. That is great news! I've been trying not to picture their faces when you say goodbye to them (still far away, I know), but that will definitely make it easier for everyone.


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