Sunday, February 7, 2010

well, i didn't take the boys to church today. i was all ready to go...packed the lunches...bought sunglasses for them...made cookies...
they knew that if it was raining and/or the red van wasn't back from the shop we wouldn't be able to go. luis pulled in with the van at 7:30 this morning, and the sun was shining, and i was psyched. i walked into breakfast and didn't see lerma, the woman who works with the boys. she didn't come to work today, and i can't take the kids alone because they're DIF (government) kids, and there needs to be 2 people with them at all times.

gahh. i was so bummed, i think more so than the boys! they're used to empty promises (even though this clearly was not that). i was frustrated because of all the things to go wrong, this was not one that i had thought about. but then i thought about how many more sundays there are until june, and how we'll try again next week.

i went to roca de salvacion which was awesome. pastor cande asked me to give an update on how things are going, and i was talking about how i wanted to bring some kids from gabriel house to their church for a service. instead of saying traer (bring) i said llevar (take). in english these words are more or less interchangeable, but in spanish not so much. basically i said i wanted to take 5 kids sitting in the congregation home with me. oops! pastor cande goes, traer, no? i was like oh, yes. that one. hahaha. he also told me he wants to bring people from the congregation to gabriel house some saturday to help with whatever we need - cleaning, building, etc. it will be great, especially because he's got some people who know how to lay tile and we still need to do that in the new house.

in the afternoon, a group from fuente de vida (martha's church) came to hang out with the boys. it was great. each kid was paired with one teenager and they spent the afternoon playing games, reading stories, blowing bubbles, and joking around. it was a lot of fun.

i'm feeling kind of bleh. a lack of drive, i guess. i don't know what's going on, but i know that i'm feeling kind of lonely and spiritually down, too. i really need your prayers.


  1. Hil- we are praying- Max prayed for you tonight....dont let the evil one get to you- thats what it is...youre doing such good hes getting annoyed! do something special..go to the ranch...breathe that mountain air...get those amazing times/feelings....
    I am so happy that pastor cande wants to do this at the GH! your ministry is will snowball and you have planted many seeds of good.. and most of all GODS LOVE.....
    i submitted some of the GH photos for the COngreg. meeting today and i was so proud of you!

  2. I'm second in line! Let's skype tonight or tomorrow... love you hon.

  3. Hil, I was going to post something to cheer you up, but Meghan said I was too late. Apparently she already did that by talking to you yesterday. So, I'm glad to hear you are feeling better! Will say a prayer for you anyway!


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