Thursday, August 13, 2009

i have to just say thank you to everyone who is supporting me in every way. it just blows my mind that i haven't even been here for a week, and already i feel like so much has happened. i am seeing significant changes in the kids i have been working with, and i know it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God. every morning as i get ready and walk over the big house i just pray and pray that God will use me. to be perfectly honest, i haven't had the slightest idea of what i'll be doing on any given day until i'm actually doing it. it's kind of fun to live that way though, trusting that God will show me what He wants me to do. it's not like i'm listening for a voice thundering down from the heavens,'s usually just a strategically placed nino or something simple like that. carlos would be proud - it's kind of like a listening prayer, i think.
thanks also to those who gave me or helped me buy books. it was silly of me to think they wouldn't have any books here...they have tons...but they're all in the preschool room or with the boys in the other house. the kids in the big house didn't have any, and to be fair, none of them can read solo. the sisters love, love, love to be read to and sonja can turn the pages on her own. today, she was waving her arm like she does when she wants something, and i asked the ladies what she wanted. they were like do you want to watch a movie, sonja? and i was like oh great, of course now the tv has to go on. but she said no and they finally figured out she wanted a book. A BOOK! i was thrilled, and i told her that the teacher in me was very happy hahaha.

today was a lot of fun with kids. i'm getting to know them more and more each day...what they like, what they don't like, what they're capable of doing, what they can almost do, and so on. there's a girl, blanca, who's 6 and SO close to walking. she can walk with a walker all by herself...i think she just needs to strengthen her leg muscles. and jamie is getting better and better at fine motor skills. who can imagine what they'll be able to do in a year...

more pictures soon. i wish every one of you could come here and see these faces. all you need is ten minutes and you will not go home the same, i can promise you that.

1 comment:

  1. Hil. I count the days when I can come visit!! Praying I can take a trip before April! Thanks for these postings as I close my eyes an imagine everything you say and play it in my mind...
    So- just one question- Are you still using post it's?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Flexinada at full force i hear ya saying! Love it! God is FUN!


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