Sunday, August 9, 2009

tremendoso is not a word. thank you, dávid.

today was a lot of fun but also frustrating. paco picked me up and we went to church together. about 5 minutes before we got there, i realized we were going to marta's church! it was great to be there, and marta invited us to stay for lunch. i hung out with adriana, david, kerli, dalia and some girls who remembered me from kid's camp. we sang the amor letter song about 200 times, but it was fine because i couldn't talk to the ladies anyways. i understood a lot of the sermon, and marta talked a lot about blessings that come when people serve the Lord. paco and i talked a lot before we got to church, too, and we were understanding each other really well, but once the service ended and we were eating lunch together i felt like i regressed a lot in my spanish. i know it's because the women were talking normally and not like i'm 2, which is how paco talks to me. at least i can understand it!
i texted rocio to see if she went to church, and then paco and i stopped by her house to say hi. she wasn't there but we caught up with her downtown and then hung out by the flag for awhile. she did go to church this morning with some of her friends and said the service was great. i was really glad to hear that. earlier this morning i had told paco about the whole rocio story, and it was really cool this afternoon because she opened up to him and he was able to give her some great counsel and guidance. it was so fun to be in ensenada, hanging out with my friends! except i wasn't understanding a lot of what they were saying, and it was so dang frustrating. i know it will get better but i wish i could become fluent overnight :)

becky, hanna, and i walked to a bakery when i got back and then talked for awhile. they have a gorgeous view from the back of their apartment - you can watch the sun set behind the mountains. i hung out with the boys for awhile and watched antonio own everyone in foosball while teddy was the refereed, and then i rocked jose manuel to sleep. let me tell you, i could end every day like that and be perfectly happy, no matter what else has happened. the way babies look right into your eyes is so intense.

tomorrow i start officially working! pray for me :)


  1. Hil I LOVE your blog and check it daily- of course i will pray for you and i spoke about you at church and asked for prayers for the kids and you. How was the music at Martas church? Im curious...did Marta preach? Al and Rosa go there ou know. It was awesome of Paco to come gt you even though you missed candes service..maybe you can alternate! SO AMAZING about ROCIO!!! what was she doing downtown??? and she went to church! OMG thats the ebset! Nelson is so into her education and helping her..were on our you!

  2. Hilster- I am so excited/jealous that you got to hang out with Rocio downtown! I miss you so much, and we both had our first days of work today :-)

    Brock and Brennan are spreading rumors that I cried for an hour after I left you. They are lies. Maybe only 45 minutes...

    Hope we get to talk soon! Ben, Sarah and I are hanging out at the Pearson's...your puzzle is still waiting to be completed :-)


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