Thursday, August 27, 2009

this morning we packed up and left san quintin. it was so stinkin hot...the thermometor in the car is was 109 degrees at one point! becky and i got back to gabriel house around 1, and we went in to say hi to the kids, and we could tell something was just really off. almost all of the kids were sick! listless, feverish, tired, ugh. the ladies said it was because of the heat. i didn't realize hot weather could give you a fever, but hey, i'm no doctor.

jaime was so pitiful. he's always rolling around into the kitchen and the other bedrooms, but i took him out of his chair and he just laid there. LAID there! he didn't even try to sit up! it was so sad. i felt bad for all the sick kids...that's when i want my mommy the most! after dinner jaime was alone in his bed just burning up so i rocked him for awhile and finally he fell asleep. he is so precious.

i had a really good talk with renie today. she was totally on board with what i wanted to do with conafe.
the conafe school started yesterday, and chuy is the main teacher. conafe is a school for kids who can't get to public school for whatever reason, but usually because the kids are far away in the mountains, or migrant camps or whatever. they haven't dealt with children with disabilities before, so we're kind of a pilot program for them. i was originally going to go to the training and be a teacher as well, but you have to be a mexican national. that was okay by me, because chuy will hopefully be here a lot longer than i will, so it just makes sense. chuy has spina bifida and spent 6 years at gabriel house. he left when he was about 15. a week or so before i came, he came walking down the street on his crutches to ask ted and renie for a job. it was awesome...just when gabriel house got approved to be a conafe school, chuy comes walking down the street looking for a job! he had 2 weeks of training and is slightly overwhelmed but doing a great job. i feel like i could be really useful when chuy is teaching, even just with behavior and stuff like that. so the plan is i'll be helping with school from 9-3 and then i'll work with the kids in the big house from 8-9 and 3-5. i'm really excited about this. i'm praying that i'll be effective with school and the kids and a help (not a hindrance!) to chuy and his teaching. i also am praying that my spanish will continue to improve by leaps and bounds every day!

here are some pictures from last week

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