Friday, September 11, 2009

good news, folks...

it looks like i won't be staying in mexico any longer than a year because apparently this country hates me. in 3 weeks i've had an ear infection, a nasty cough, a fever, and i've been in bed since 2 yesterday afternoon on the verge of throwing up but couldn't. believe me, i tried everything.

what is going on??


  1. well, i was getting on to tell you happy birthday, but maybe i should say get well soon first! sorry you feel so bad, esp. on your day :(

  2. Happy Birthday Hil ~ sorry you are not feeling well. Perhaps you make sure you have scrubbed or dipped in a very weak bleach solution all the fresh fruit and/or veggies you eat and make sure you even brush your teeth with bottled water. Your system has not grown up with the same microbes as your colleagues "innards" have. Who else but your Gma BE would send you this note? Please feel better soon. Love, Gma

  3. Feel better, honey! Gma already did the mom thing, but ditto. Love you.

  4. Hey Hil,

    Happy Birthday. You are featured in my "In Touch" today. Happy Birthday 9/11. I told folks to check out your blog. Hope you don't mind.

    I love you.

  5. Happy Birthday Hilary.....hope you feel are one of my heros!...Rick Rieland

  6. HIl- its not uncommon to hear what youre going through....i hear it from other missionary friends..your body is adjusting to "full time ministry" in another will pass soon....praying for you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! did you tell anyone there??

  7. Happy Birthday Hilary!!!!!
    So sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well..... take care and feel better soon. I am enjoying your blog.Keep sharing your adventures. Prayers and blessings to you.
    Phyllis Forde

  8. Happy Birthday! I hope you get to feeling better.

  9. hil,
    i agree with cyndy warren. i went on to wish you a happy bday, but see how yucky you are feeling. i hope that you feel better soon.
    ok, i am tempted to get cheesy, but i will just say - that you are the bomb!

  10. gma you are awesome. thanks for the advice. i think you're right - i do need to be more careful.

    thanks everyone - i can feel the love all the way over here in mexico!

  11. Happy Birthday Hilary! I signed on to catch up with your blog and am so sorry to hear you've been sick. It sure stinks to be sick on your birthday. Get well soon, OK?


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