Monday, September 7, 2009

i just bought a huge watermelon for 20 pesos($1.50)...i love this country!

becky got back from the states today...she got me brown sugar, chocolate chips, an oven thermometer, and a timer which means cookies will be made! i've missed baking.

today was great with chuy...we had some time to talk and keep getting to know each other. sometimes i feel like we have kind of a weird relationship because he's the teacher and i'm the helper, but i have these ideas i really want to share with him in the nicest way possible, and they probably make no sense because i'm trying to say these complicated things in spanish. ay yi yi! the better we are of friends, the easier the teaching will come, i think.

someone brought a ton of craft stuff so we spent the afternoon making signs for each kid in the big house. it was fun to hang out with the ladies...
they started talking about Jesus and how and why he died for us and what happened as a result of that. there are some ladies who really don't know that much about Jesus, but there are also those who are passionate about their faith and share whenever they can. it was the first time i've been part of a legit conversation that's not about the kids or what they're doing over the weekend :)

there's a fig tree outside of the boys' house, and sergio prefers to eat the fig, dirty peel and all. so funny.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the video of the boys! I cant believe Sergio ate it peel and all! Love the way Teddy knew he shouldnt eat it like that! LOL AND tell Teddy i think he looks so handsome in his glasses!! Hows his lil bro doing?
    HIL YOURE SPANISH IS AMAZING!! you have no idea how good it is!and im telling you its fantastico! So proud of you! cant wait to talk to you in spanish!


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