Wednesday, September 2, 2009

well, i got to see the hospital for the first time today. heriberto broke his femur. it was terrible...if we didn't hold his leg together it just flopped around. martin and i took him to the hospital and were there for several hours while he got examined and taken care of. it was weird - heriberto is one of our kids who is upset a lot of the time. he's definitely gotten better and calmed down, but when he gets angry he hits himself, and that makes him even angrier. i don't know if he was in shock or if God just calmed his heart, but he was so peaceful the whole time we were at the hospital. he didn't like when we moved him, obviously, but he was really seemed okay. i was relieved for that, at least. he'll be there for a couple days because a specialist will see him tomorrow and then they'll figure out where to go from there. i was glad i went with martin. he has such a good heart and we are able to have great conversations, at least when he talks and i listen :)
as we were driving to the hospital i told him how sometimes i wished that the kids could be in heaven so their pain and suffering would be over...and he told me about the passage in the bible that talks about how God formed each and every child to be an "angelito" that would bless people on earth. all the kids at gabriel house are meant to be a blessing to others, as are each and every one of us. this guy knows his was great to have so much time to talk with him.

i was telling meghan as we skyped tonight that there are 3 kinds of spanish speakers here. there are those that can't speak any differently no matter what you ask or do, those who can speak slower but continuously say the same thing, and then those who slow down and use different words to help you understand. all of these are totally okay - don't get me wrong. it's just what i've noticed. marta, the pastor of the church i've been going to, is a perfect example of the first kind of speaker. so anyways, she said something to me on sunday about sunday school, next sunday, and do i want to. i thought she was asking me if i wanted to go to sunday school, and i was like oh sure why not? well apparently i signed myself up to teach sunday school. oops! today, though, in the boys' house, i found a picture book about the ten commandments in spanish and english. now i just have to come up with a craft and we'll be good to go :)


  1. hil- how did he break his leg! how sad! i feel terrible for him...I am glad you got to be there for him.I have some lessons and craft ideas if you want- none on the ten commandments though- let me know...max has a laptop with a video camera- is that what i need to skype???

  2. not sure about the leg. ooh i would love to hear your ideas! and yes that's all you need...hahaha max. you have to download skype or we can video chat through gmail. i'll be on at 9 or 10ish your time tonight

  3. but how does it do i find you> LOL


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