Thursday, October 15, 2009


so renie got to meet the first lady of mexico yesterday! she was at a conference about social justice in mexico. she was able to invite senora calderon to gabriel house and give her some info. there are some great plans in the works...probably will be a long time before they are in effect but the idea is still a great start.

i was at renie's this morning when cristina brought mimi over, because she was really not doing well. her whole body was tense and she was grinding her teeth so hard i thought they would break. we're taking her to the doctor tomorrow but before cristina took mimi back we laid hands and prayed for her. after we prayed she was so calm. it was beautiful. no more teeth grinding, no more tense body...she just looked tired. ted said they have so many stories like that, it's just so cool. pilar came to us as a newborn - she's 8 now - with a hole in her heart. they had ekg pictures of her heart and when they took her took a doctor 3 days later, the doctor asked if they had the same baby, because there was no hole in her heart. none. gone! wow.

there's a man who keeps his horse in this little field next to the boys' house, and he was bringing her back today when jose waved him over. he brought the horse over and talked to the boys for awhile - everyone except sergio, who's afraid of dogs and horses - and teddy asked him where his cowboy hat was. he thought that was pretty funny.

victor loves to give the babies a kiss on the cheek, but for some reason after the kiss he insists on trying to slap the baby. we have been working very hard on a kiss and nothing more...and lately he's been getting better and better at that. it may be because i pull the baby away before he can do anything else...but i think he understands that a kiss happens without hitting.

betzy's here! she's really sweet and so fun - she doesn't talk but she smiles when you talk to her. it's so precious. she's 8 years old and 17 pounds...and we put her in the wheelchair of a small 3 year old. her already impoverished grandma was taking care of her but she died a couple weeks ago. hopefully she will gain weight in a healthy and quick way, and we can get to know her and her needs better.

1 comment:

  1. Its 1 am and i am waiting for your blog!! tis sunday night--- love ya!


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