Monday, October 12, 2009

so saturday morning i was sitting in the young adult (ish) class at church, thinking about how relieved i felt because i knew marta would never ask me to teach this class. she knows how i speak's one thing to teach sunday school to a bunch of 7 year olds, but quite another to teach a sunday school class to a room full of teenagers and 20somethings. after the class ended on saturday marta goes, 'hilary, can you teach next week?' oh good gracious. no, marta, i cannot teach next week, were the first words out of my mouth. not don't want to...can't. in spanish anyways. she looks at me and goes sure you can! this is not someone you say no i'm doing it in english, and paco's going to translate. gahh. that woman will certainly be the cause of my premature wrinkles.

school was good today - a couple of tough moments, but omar and marcos are getting a lot better at turning their behavior around and making good choices. before, if they got upset or angry...forget it. they were done for the day. now, with positive but persuasive words and lots of love, they are doing much better at owning their actions and changing them for the better after they get upset or angry. it's really cool to see them take control and be proud of their choices.

we talked about story today, and chuy asked me to put that one the schedule. i asked him what story it was and he said something. what? he said it again. i don't know that story, i told him. he looked at me weird and rolled away and then brought the book over to show me. it was christopher columbus, except in spanish its something totally different. oh yes, chuy, actually i do know the story of the person who discovered the continent i live on. ha! we had a good laugh.

we might be getting another girl at gabriel house, which is just crazy to think about in the midst of these serious financial struggles. here's the email renie (the co-director) sent out tonight.

Two days ago I was visited by my friend, Monica Pickett Gonzalez . Monica is a lawyer and social advocate for DIF, (el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia or the Integral Development of the Family). DIF is a government agency that helps to develop and strengthen families in Mexico. Monica works tirelessly day and night to place children at risk in the safest homes she can find. There are few homes available.

Monica came for another matter, but as she left, she thrust paperwork into Ted’s hands. All that she asked is that Ted and I take a look at it and pray about what we could do. I knew if I looked I’d be hooked but I could not resist; another handicapped child begged for a home.

The paperwork showed pictures of a little 8 year old girl named Betzira. Our family has already nicknamed her, “Betzy”.

As I scanned the papers, I saw photos of the twisted body of an incredibly emaciated and handicapped little girl. The papers say she weighs just 7.8 kilograms. “That’s only 17 pounds” my mind screamed, “My Annie weighed three times that weight at eight years old!” I wish I could send you the pictures I am staring at in disbelief as I write this.

Her former medical history is unknown. What is known is that Betzy is an abandoned, handicapped orphan in a country that is not yet handicapped friendly.

Her mother, who is addicted to drugs, abandoned her at two months of age and her whereabouts is listed as unknown. Betzy’s only known relative was her impoverished great grandmother who took care of her the best that she could until she died a few weeks ago.

The brief information begs the following questions; how is it that an eight year old child only weighs 17 pounds? What kind of incredible suffering and deprivation did this child and her aging and sick great grandmother go through?

She desperately needs the love and care that we at Gabriel House so want to give but we are limited by the lack of financial donations we are now receiving. Please, please help us.

Ted and I have been pouring over the names of our children; asking ourselves which ones we need to give up and send elsewhere in order to keep those more needy? Which ones will be wrenched from the only family and home they have ever known?

Do you have any idea what an impossible task that is? We have raised most of these children since infancy. How can we sacrifice one for another? What will it do to them to lose the only home they have ever known?
Please don’t turn away thinking someone else will help. Betzy needs all of us; no donation is too small. Bless your hearts; I know that many of you are worried and afraid about how you are going to pay your own bills. I also know that God will bless your giving.

(Jas 1:27) What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans and widows in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world.

(Heb 13:5)GNB Keep your lives free from the love of money, and be satisfied with what you have. For God has said, "I will never leave you; I will never abandon you".

(Pro 19:17) GNB When you give to the poor it is like lending to the LORD and the LORD will pay you back.

Love in the mighty name of Jesus,

For those of you who will give; Write Gabriel House on the envelope or the memo line of your check, and send to:

Mexican Medical Ministries
7850 Lester Ave.
Lemon Grove Ca. 91945

One hundred percent of your donation will come straight to Gabriel house.

1 comment:

  1. hil- my heart sank when reading about Betzi. I so wish I could win a lottery- I do actually ask God for that because the things I would do would help people. I would first give to my church but then MAN what i would be able to do for others! ahhh its so frustrating. I will send some money but it wont be much- Carolyn Koons and Happy just sent me a nice support check which blew me away so i will use some of that to send. Is that the same address you gave me to send the cd?? I ahvent answered the Rocio question you had as I am still pondering the answer..
    Matt Bach is going to contact you re Spring trips! He said hes been following your blog- see many read but not too many are def touching lives with your blog.
    ANYWAY- good news is that JACK will be in Ensenada Easter 1!!!
    Orozcos and Carlos Devitas SUMMER TWO!!!! YOU IN ON ANY OF THIS>??? LOVE YA!


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