Tuesday, October 20, 2009

this is my sweet naynay (and marcos) who i have yet to take a decent picture with. the girl never stops moving. she can kind of talk...she can understand a lot and speaks in 2 or 3 word phrases and will repeat a lot of what you say. she's hard to understand but the more time you spend with her the more you can understand what she's saying. hanna, the summer intern, left less than a week after i got here. irene never quite grasped that my name isn't hanna, too, so she's been calling me hanna since i got here. i know i should have corrected her from day 1, but i was just happy she was recognizing me and calling me something. we're working on getting hilary down. anyways, in school today, she said josue's name, and then just to be sure, i asked her chuy's name, which she said, and then my name. she said hanna, and she wanted to keep working on her puzzle, so i just said, si, mas o menos (more or less) and kind of shrugged my shoulders and smiled. priceless - she did the exact same thing, except mas o menos came out as ma o mayo. same voice pitch and everything. it was so funny.

i made cupcakes for the boys to decorate this afternoon, and we had some extras so i gave them to the ladies. i tried to explain that the frosting and crumbled cookies go on top of the cupcake, but the ladies kept calling it bread and said it would be too sweet with the frosting and cookies. they had a point :) the boys had no problem with this, though. teddy wanted a spoonful of frosting for each bite of cupcake. ha!

1 comment:

  1. you are beautiful inside and out :-) love you & miss you TONS!


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