Tuesday, October 27, 2009

so the concert yesterday was a lot of fun. it was at a church downtown by the harbor. the church was unlike any church i've ever seen in ensenada - huge! it used to be a movie theater. eliseo told me to come early to help, so i got to guard a staircase in the middle of the church :) it was cool though because i was inside with the rest of the staff and got to see the band warmup. i felt like i was at a concert in the states!
i recognized one of the girls from roca de salvacion, and i started talking to her. she said she was so glad she saw me because when i was talking on sunday about gabriel house, God put it on her heart to help us. she and her neice want to collect money or at least get a list out of our needs. she was really passionate about it, asking me tons of questions and seemed really interested in finding a way to help. so cool!
almost all of the people from the class on sunday were at the concert, and it was super fun to be hanging out with friends that were my age! the drummer was awesome. he started beat boxing in the middle of this really slow worship song, and slowly it got faster and faster until it was an all out dance break. eliseo was crazy - in the beginning, the pastor of the church was shouting out names of cities to figure out where everyone was from, eliseo kept screaming 'new york city!' in that slightly high pitched voice of his.
cande and angelica were there, too. he is so awesome...he wears his heart on his sleeve and it is such a beautiful thing. dad, no one could ever replace you, so no worries...but i kind of feel like cande's a favorite uncle or something. he always gives me a huge hug and warm smile whenever he sees me. and then reminds me i'm not allowed to have a boyfriend or go downtown at night!
abraham is the drummer in the roca de salvacion worship band and he has a 2 year old son, bryan. i tell you, that kid is going to be famous very soon. i swear he was born with drumsticks in his hands. he was at the concert (in a suit!) and was drumming on the seats the whole time. that kid is good! its really weird to see a 2 year old keeping a beat with drumsticks....but awesome.

becky left today! we had a big party for her at lunch. as the car was pulling away, alex (our super sensitive friend...) got teary and was crying a little. then tonio saw, and so he started bawling, and then i looked at teddy and he had tears streaming down his face. then lerma started crying because the boys were crying! becky gave each kid a picture of her and that kid this morning and decorated the picture frame, so i ran inside to get those while explaining that she would be back in less than 2 months. when they saw the pictures, all 3 of them started crying even harder. oops.
it must be hard for the kids to not have anyone permenant in thar lives. there are workers that stay for a long time but other than ted and renie, everyone's come and gone :/
i'm glad i still have 7 months before i have to leave...gahh


  1. Great post Hil! I bet the concert was amazing and i def pictured Eliseo yelling NYC! LOL LOL
    ANd hey I agree about pastor Cande- and he so reminds me of your dad...I cant imagine being there and watching the kids so upset about becky!It would tear me up! So Hil, what ARE your plans after 7 months? ps. Matt Bach just had a baby girl....ok rain rain go away...love you much.
    PSS- please pray that i get this job that came up- its working at the childrens home in Po town (orphanagae) as a spanish tutor! We are so broke i pick up pennies!lol..but ...Amanda bought me a switchfoot ticket!!

  2. Hil, thanks for keeping me in your heart, but I am so glad that my friend Pastor Cande is filling in in my absence. One more thing... remember....


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